class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Poisson Regression ## Offset & Zero-inflated Poisson models ### Prof. Maria Tackett ### 01.31.22 --- class: middle, center ##[Click for PDF of slides](08-poisson-pt3.pdf) --- ## Announcements - Reading: [BMLR - Chapter 4 Poisson regression]( - For Monday: BMLR - [Chapter 5: Generalized Linear Models: A Unifying Theory]( - [Mini-Project 01]( - Final write up and presentations **Wed, Feb 09 at 3:30pm** - [HW 02]( **due Mon, Feb 07 at 11:59pm** --- ## Learning goals - Explore properties of negative binomial versus Poisson response - Fit and interpret models with offset to adjust for differences in sampling effort - Fit and interpret Zero-inflated Poisson models --- class: middle, inverse ## Negative binomial regression model --- ## Negative binomial regression model Another approach to handle overdispersion is to use a **negative binomial regression model** - This has more flexibility than the quasi-Poisson model, because there is a new parameter in addition to `\(\lambda\)` <br> -- Let `\(Y\)` be a **negative binomial random variable**, `\(Y\sim NegBinom(r, p)\)`, then `$$P(Y = y_i) = {y_i + r - 1 \choose r - 1}(1-p)^{y_i}p^r \hspace{5mm} y_i = 0, 1, 2, \ldots, \infty$$` --- ## Negative binomial regression model - **Main idea**: Generate a `\(\lambda\)` for each observation (household) and generate a count using the Poisson random variable with parameter `\(\lambda\)` - Makes the counts more dispersed than with a single parameter - Think of it as a Poisson model such that `\(\lambda\)` is also random -- .eq[ `$$\begin{aligned} &\text{If }Y|\lambda \sim Poisson(\lambda)\\ &\text{ and } \lambda \sim Gamma\bigg(r, \frac{1-p}{p}\bigg)\\ &\text{ then } Y \sim NegBinom(r, p)\end{aligned}$$` ] --- ## Negative binomial simulation exercise .question[ Complete the Negative binomial regression exercise in `lecture-07.Rmd` (found in your lecture-07 GitHub repo). ]
--- class: middle, inverse ## Offset --- ## Data: Airbnbs in NYC The data set [NYCairbnb-sample.csv](data/NYCairbnb-sample.csv) contains information about a random sample of 1000 Airbnbs in New York City. It is a subset of the data on 40628 Airbnbs scraped by Awad et al. (2017). **Variables** - `number_of_reviews`: Number of reviews for the unit on Airbnb (proxy for number of rentals) - `price`: price per night in US dollars - `room_type`: Entire home/apartment, private room, or shared room - `days`: Number of days the unit has been listed (date when info scraped - date when unit first listed on Airbnb) .footnote[Data set pulled from BMLR Section 4.11.3.] --- ## Data: Airbnbs in NYC ```r airbnb <- read_csv("data/NYCairbnb-sample.csv") %>% select(id, number_of_reviews, days, room_type, price) ``` | id| number_of_reviews| days|room_type | price| |--------:|-----------------:|----:|:---------------|-----:| | 15756544| 16| 1144|Private room | 120| | 14218251| 15| 471|Private room | 89| | 21644| 0| 2600|Private room | 89| | 13667835| 1| 283|Entire home/apt | 150| | 265912| 0| 1970|Entire home/apt | 89| **Goal**: Use the price and room type of Airbnbs to describe variation in the number of reviews (a proxy for number of rentals). --- ## EDA <img src="data:image/png;base64,#08-poisson-pt3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## EDA .pull-left[ **Overall** | mean| var| |------:|-------:| | 15.916| 765.969| ] .pull-right[ **by Room type** |room_type | mean| var| |:---------------|------:|-------:| |Entire home/apt | 16.283| 760.348| |Private room | 15.608| 786.399| |Shared room | 15.028| 605.971| ] --- ## Considerations for modeling We would like to fit the Poisson regression model `$$\log(\lambda) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ price + \beta_2 ~ room\_type1 + \beta_3 ~ room\_type2$$` -- .question[ - Based on the EDA, what are some potential issues we may want to address in the model building? - Suppose any model fit issues are addressed. What are some potential limitations to the conclusions and interpretations from the model? ]
--- ## Offset - Sometimes counts are not directly comparable because the observations differ based on some characteristic directly related to the counts, i.e. the *sampling effort*. - An **offset** can be used to adjust for differences in sampling effort. -- - Let `\(x_{offset}\)` be the variable that accounts for differences in sampling effort, then `\(\log(x_{offset})\)` will be added to the model. `$$\log(\lambda_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ x_{i1} + \beta_2 ~ x_{i2} + ... + \beta_p ~ x_{ip} + \log(x_{offset_i})$$` - The offset is a term in the model with coefficient always equal to 1. --- ## Adding an offset to the Airbnb model We will add the offset `\(\log(days)\)` to the model. This accounts for the fact that we would expect Airbnbs that have been listed longer to have more reviews. `$$\log(\lambda_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ price_i + \beta_2 ~ room\_type1_i + \beta_3 ~ room\_type2_i + \log(days_i)$$` <br> **Note:** The response variable for the model is still `\(\log(\lambda_i)\)`, the log mean number of reviews --- ## Detail on the offset We want to adjust for the number of days, so we are interested in `\(\frac{reviews}{days}\)`. -- Given `\(\lambda\)` is the mean number of reviews `$$\log\Big(\frac{\lambda}{days}\Big) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ price + \beta_2 ~ room\_type1 + \beta_3 ~ room\_type2$$` -- `$$\Rightarrow \log({\lambda}) - \log(days) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ price + \beta_2 ~ room\_type1 + \beta_3 ~ room\_type2$$` -- `$$\Rightarrow \log({\lambda}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ price + \beta_2 ~ room\_type1 + \beta_3 ~ room\_type2 + \log(days)$$` --- ## Airbnb model in R ```r airbnb_model <- glm(number_of_reviews ~ price + room_type, data = airbnb, family = poisson, * offset = log(days)) ``` |term | estimate| std.error| statistic| p.value| |:---------------------|--------:|---------:|---------:|-------:| |(Intercept) | -4.1351| 0.0170| -243.1397| 0| |price | -0.0005| 0.0001| -7.0952| 0| |room_typePrivate room | -0.0994| 0.0174| -5.6986| 0| |room_typeShared room | 0.2436| 0.0452| 5.3841| 0| -- The coefficient for `\(\log(days)\)` is fixed at 1, so it is not in the model output. --- ## Interpretations |term | estimate| std.error| statistic| p.value| |:---------------------|--------:|---------:|---------:|-------:| |(Intercept) | -4.1351| 0.0170| -243.1397| 0| |price | -0.0005| 0.0001| -7.0952| 0| |room_typePrivate room | -0.0994| 0.0174| -5.6986| 0| |room_typeShared room | 0.2436| 0.0452| 5.3841| 0| <br> .question[ - Interpret the coefficient of `price`. - Interpret the coefficient of `room_typePrivate room` ]
--- ## Goodness-of-fit `$$\begin{aligned}&H_0: \text{ The model is a good fit for the data}\\ &H_a: \text{ There is significant lack of fit}\end{aligned}$$` ```r pchisq(airbnb_model$deviance, airbnb_model$df.residual, lower.tail = F) ``` ``` ## [1] 0 ``` -- There is evidence of significant lack of fit in the model. Therefore, more models would need to be explored that address the issues mentioned earlier. -- *In practice we would assess goodness-of-fit and finalize the model <b>before</b> any interpretations and conclusions.* --- class: middle, inverse ## Zero-inflated Poisson model --- ## Data: Weekend drinking The data [`weekend-drinks.csv`](data/weekend-drinks.csv) contains information from a survey of 77 students in a introductory statistics course on a dry campus. **Variables** - `drinks`: Number of drinks they had in the past weekend - `off_campus`: 1 - lives off campus, 0 otherwise - `first_year`: 1 - student is a first-year, 0 otherwise - `sex`: f - student identifies as female, m - student identifies as male **Goal**: The goal is explore factors related to drinking behavior on a dry campus. .footnote[Case study in BMLR - Section 4.10] --- ## EDA: Response variable <img src="data:image/png;base64,#08-poisson-pt3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Observed vs. expected response <img src="data:image/png;base64,#08-poisson-pt3_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- .center[**What does it mean to be a "zero" in this data?**] --- ## Two types of zeros There are two types of zeros - Those who happen to have a zero in the data set (people who drink but happened to not drink last weekend) - Those who will always report a value of zero (non-drinkers) - These are called **true zeros** -- We introduce a new parameter `\(\alpha\)` for the proportion of true zeros, then fit a model that has two components: -- 1️⃣ The association between mean number of drinks and various characteristics among those who drink 2️⃣ The estimated proportion of non-drinkers --- ## Acknowledgements These slides are based on content in [BMLR - Chapter 4 Poisson regression ](